Charles Perry Graduate Student Prize
The SCBS Charles Perry Graduate Student Prize ($250) is awarded to the best paper presented at the conference by a graduate student. All Graduate Students presenting at the Annual Meeting are eligible and will receive an email with further details of the application process once they have been accepted to the conference.
Winner of the 2023 Charles Perry Prize:
Helen Shears (Duke University) “‘A Caske of Ice’: William Taverner’s Survey of Newfoundland”
Honorable Mention: Sam Dominy (Georgia State University) “Suicide and Despair in Early Modern England”
Previous Winners of the Charles Perry Prize Include:
Heidi Olson Campbell (Baylor University)
Nick Sprenger (Rutgers University) “Empire and Its Outrages: Policing, Violence, and the Colonial Archive in Nineteenth Century Ireland”
Ms. Jessica Payne (Louisiana State University) “Charles I and ‘Elizabethanism’.”
Mindy Williams (Purdue University)