Southern Conference on British Studies
2024 Meeting
October 25-26, 2024: Kansas City, MO
Call for Papers
Extended deadline for submission: May 10, 2024
The Southern Conference on British Studies solicits proposals for its
2024 meeting in Kansas City, Missouri. The SCBS will meet in
conjunction with the Southern Historical Association.
The SCBS construes British Studies widely and invites participation by
scholars in all areas of British history and culture, including the Empire
or Commonwealth and the British Isles. We welcome both individual
and panel submissions on any topic in British Studies, but especially t
hose related to this year’s theme of Unexpected Consequences, which
encourages participants to consider questions of causality,
intentionality, and surprise in history.
We are very pleased to announce that Dr. Arunima Datta, Assistant Professor at the University of North Texas, will deliver the plenary.
Individual proposals should be no more than 250 words in length and include a short biographical statement. Panel proposals should be limited to 750 words and include a brief thematic explanation of the panel as well as a short description of each paper and participant. Proposals should be sent to Dr. Lucy Kaufman at with the subject line SCBS Proposal.
The SCBS Charles Perry Graduate Student Prize ($250) will be awarded to the best paper presented at the conference by a graduate student. Entries must be received by October 1, 2024.
Graduate students who present papers at SCBS meetings are eligible to apply for one of two $500 Research Travel Awards given annually by the SCBS. Graduate students are eligible in the two years following their presentation. See the SCBS website for more information: